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Does low molecular weight heparin shorten term labor? Gunvor Ekman-Ordeberg et al. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica. 2010; 89: 147–150

Low molecular weight heparin stimulates myometrial contractility and cervical remodeling in vitro. Gunvor Ekman-Ordeberg et al. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica. 2009; 88: 984-989.

Prolonged labour associated with lower expression of syndecan 3 and connexin 43 in human uterine tissue. Ann Hjelm Cluff, Birgitta Byström, Aurelija Klimaviciute, Camilla Dahlqvist, Gvido Cebers, Anders Malmström and Gunvor Ekman-Ordeberg. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2006, 4:24

Insufficient remodelling of the uterine connective tissue in women with protracted labour. Granström L, Ekman G, Malmström A: 1991; Br J Obstetric Gynecol 98:1212

Ripening of the human uterine cervix related to changes in collagen glycosaminoglycans and collagenolytic activity. Uldbjerg N, Ekman G, Malmström A, Olsson K, Ulmsten U:  Am J Obstetric Gynecology 147:662-666, 1983

Human cervical ripening, an inflammatory process mediated by cytokines. Sennström MB, Ekman G, Westergren-Thorsson G. Mol Hum Reprod. 2000; 6(4): 375-381.

Up to 50 % of all term pregnant women are planned for start of labor with conventional treatments, which carries a high risk of complications for both mothers and infants.